Tots N Teddies

Find Us

Ahmedabad | Vadodara-Airport Circle | Vadodara-Waghodia Road

Opening Hours

Mon - Sat : 09:00 AM - 1:30 PM

Our Class


Welcome to the Pre-Primary Building Block Class!

“Step into a World of Wonder: Your Sr. KG Journey Begins Here!”


"Sparkling Minds: Where Creativity Blossoms!"

At Tots ‘N’ Teddies, our Sr. KG program is designed to provide a nurturing and stimulating environment for your child’s next year’s primary educational journey. We believe in fostering a love for learning while focusing on holistic development.

What We Offer:

  1. Play-Based Learning: Sr. KG is an exciting time where learning is woven into play. Through interactive games and activities, children develop essential cognitive, social, and emotional skills.

  2. Literacy and Numeracy: Our curriculum integrates fun and engaging methods to introduce advanced literacy and numeracy concepts. From building early reading writing blocks to extracurricular activities, we make learning enjoyable.

  3. Creative Exploration: We encourage creativity through various forms of expression such as art, music, dance, and storytelling. These activities enhance imagination and self-expression.

  4. Social Development: Collaboration and social skills are nurtured through group activities, where children learn to communicate, share, and work together.

  5. Physical Development: Physical activities and outdoor play are integral to our Sr. KG program. We emphasize the importance of movement for overall development.

Personality Development

Understanding their own identity—likes, dislikes, strengths, and limitations—begins in the preschool years. They start to form their self-concept based on experiences and interactions.

Educational Trip

For Sr.Kg we make the trip more engaging educational wise that imparts practical knowledge to them

Train for Next Level

As this class is building block for stepping kids to Primary setup. We try to make this classroom culture more formal.