Tots N Teddies

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Ahmedabad | Vadodara-Airport Circle | Vadodara-Waghodia Road

Opening Hours

Mon - Sat : 09:00 AM - 1:30 PM


Our Class


Welcome to Junior KG Class, where curious minds embark on a journey of learning, discovery, and preparing for a bright academic future!


"Nurturing Curiosity, Building Foundations!"

Junior KG is a pivotal stage in your child’s educational journey, and at T’n’T, we recognize its significance as a stepping stone toward formal education. Here’s how our Junior KG program prepares your child for success in primary classes:

Holistic Learning Approach: Our Junior KG curriculum is designed to provide a balanced approach to learning, focusing on cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. Through interactive activities and guided exploration, we lay a strong foundation for future academic success.

Preparation for Formal Education: With a structured yet nurturing environment, our Junior KG program introduces foundational concepts in literacy, numeracy, and critical thinking. We ensure that children are equipped with the essential skills and knowledge to transition smoothly into primary classes.

Social and Emotional Development: Junior KG is a time for building social skills, confidence, and emotional resilience. Through group activities, cooperative play, and positive reinforcement, we nurture a sense of belonging and self-assurance in each child.

Language and Numerical Skills: Our curriculum emphasizes language development, enhancing vocabulary, listening, and communication skills. In addition, we introduce basic mathematical concepts through engaging activities, preparing children for further exploration in numeracy.

At [Preschool Name], Junior KG is not just a grade; it’s a crucial phase where we pave the way for your child’s educational journey. Our dedicated teachers and tailored curriculum ensure that every child thrives, ready to embrace the challenges of primary education.

Contact us today to discover how our Junior KG program sets the stage for your child’s bright academic future.

General Science

At Junior KG in Tots 'N' Teddies, we spark curiosity with hands-on explorations in general science. Through simple experiments and observations, we ignite a love for discovery, laying the groundwork for scientific thinking and understanding in our young learners."

Public Speaking

We cultivate confidence by introducing public speaking in fun and supportive ways. Through storytelling, show-and-tell, and group activities, we encourage self-expression, nurturing communication skills and building early confidence in our young speakers.

Cognitive Learning & Leadership

We foster cognitive growth and leadership potential through interactive challenges and collaborative projects. Encouraging problem-solving and teamwork, we empower young minds to explore, innovate, and take their first steps toward leadership and critical thinking."